ふつうにやると large の計算が終わらないので、なんか法則性があってO(N)にならないような方法があるんだろう
int main() { int T; cin>>T; //cout<<T<<endl; REP(t, T) { int R,C; cin>>R>>C; string v[R]; REP(y, R) { cin>>v[y]; } int ok=1; REP(y, R) { REP(x, C) { if(v[y][x]=='#') { if(y==R-1||x==C-1||v[y][x+1]!='#' || v[y+1][x]!='#' || v[y+1][x+1]!='#') { ok=0; goto END; } v[y][x]=v[y+1][x+1]='/'; v[y+1][x]=v[y][x+1]='\\'; } } } END:; cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<":"<<endl; if(ok) { REP(y, R) { cout<<v[y]<<endl; } } else cout<<"Impossible"<<endl; } return 0; }
int main() { int T; cin>>T; //cout<<T<<endl; REP(ttt, T) { ll L,t,N,C; cin>>L>>t>>N>>C; int v[N]; REP(i, C) cin>>v[i]; FOR(i, C, N) v[i]=v[i-C]; //REP(i, N) cout<<v[i]<<endl;; ll mintt = -1; if(L==0) { ll tt=0; REP(i, N) { tt+=v[i]*2; } //cout<<"tt "<<tt<<endl; if(mintt==-1 || tt<mintt) mintt=tt; } else if(L==1) { FOR(ba, 0, N) { // use in ba ll tt=0; REP(i, N) { if(i==ba) { if(t<=tt) tt+=v[i]; else if(t<tt+v[i]*2) tt+= (t-tt) + v[i]-(t-tt)/2; else tt+=v[i]*2; } else { tt+=v[i]*2; } } if(mintt==-1 || tt<mintt) mintt=tt; } } else { FOR(ba, 0, N-1) FOR(bb, ba, N) { // use in ba, bb ll tt=0; REP(i, N) { if(i==ba||i==bb) { if(t<=tt) tt+=v[i]; else if(t<tt+v[i]*2) tt+= (t-tt) + v[i]-(t-tt)/2; else tt+=v[i]*2; } else { tt+=v[i]*2; } } if(mintt==-1 || tt<mintt) mintt=tt; } } cout<<"Case #"<<ttt+1<<": "<<mintt<<endl; } return 0; }
int main() { int T; cin>>T; //cout<<T<<endl; REP(t, T) { int N,L,H; cin>>N>>L>>H; int v[N]; REP(i, N) cin>>v[i]; int ok=0; int ans=0; FOR(f, L, H+1) { int lok=1; REP(i, N) { if(f<v[i]) { if(v[i]%f!=0) {lok=0; break;} } else if(f%v[i]!=0) {lok=0; break;} } if(lok) {ok=1; ans=f; break;} } if(ok) cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<": "<<ans<<endl; else cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<": NO"<<endl; } return 0; }
int main() { int T; cin>>T; //cout<<T<<endl; REP(t, T) { int N; cin>>N; string sc[N]; double WP[N]; double OWP[N]; double OOWP[N]; CLR(WP); CLR(OWP); CLR(OOWP); REP(i, N){ cin>>sc[i]; } REP(i, N) { { int win=0, all=0; REP(j, N) { if(sc[i][j]!='.') { win += sc[i][j]=='1'; all++; } } WP[i] = (double)win/all; } { int _all=0; REP(j, N) { if(sc[i][j]!='.') { _all++; // calc wp of j except i int win=0, all=0; REP(k, N) { if(k==i) continue; if(sc[j][k]!='.') { win += sc[j][k]=='1'; all++; } } OWP[i] += (double)win/all; } } OWP[i] /= (double)_all; } } cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<":"<<endl; REP(i, N) { int all=0; REP(j, N) { if(sc[i][j]!='.') { OOWP[i] += OWP[j]; all++; } } OOWP[i] /= all; double RPI = 0.25 * WP[i] + 0.50 * OWP[i] + 0.25 * OOWP[i]; cout<<RPI<<endl; } cout<<endl; } return 0; }
(以下、long long に修正後のソース)
int gcd ( int a, int b ) { if(a<b) { int tmp=a; a=b; b=tmp; } int c; while ( a != 0 ) { c = a; a = b%a; b = c; } return b; } int main() { int T; cin>>T; //cout<<T<<endl; REP(t, T) { int ans = 1; int pd, pg, d=100, g=100, v; ll n; cin>>n>>pd>>pg; //cout<<n<<pd<<pg; v = gcd(d, pd); pd/=v; d/=v; v = gcd(g, pg); pg/=v; g/=v; //cout<<pd<<" "<<d<<" "<<pg<<" "<<g<<" "<<endl; //if(g<d) //{ // int a=d/g + 1; // g*=a; pg*=a; //} if((pd!=d&&pg==g)||(pd>0&&pg==0) || d>n) { cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<": Broken"<<endl;; continue; } //cout<<pd<<" "<<d<<" "<<pg<<" "<<g<<" "<<endl; cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<": Possible"<<endl;; } return 0; }
int main() { int T; cin>>T; //cout<<T<<endl; REP(t, T) { int N, M; cin>>N>>M; string D[N]; string L[M]; REP(i, N) cin>>D[i]; REP(i, M) cin>>L[i]; //REP(i, N) cout<<D[i]<<endl; //REP(i, M) cout<<L[i]<<endl; cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<":"; REP(Li, M) { int lose[N]; CLR(lose); REP(di, N) { // choose D[di] //cout<<"choose "<<D[di]<<endl; int ng[N]; int nng=0; CLR(ng); REP(i, N) { if(D[di].SZ != D[i].SZ) {ng[i]=1;nng++;} } if(nng==N-1) continue; // begin guess REP(li, 26) { int contains=0; REP(i, N) { if(ng[i]) continue; if(D[i].find(L[Li][li])!=D[i].npos) { contains=1; break; } } if(contains) { char guess = L[Li][li]; //cout<<"guess "<<guess<<endl; int revealed=0; REP(p, D[di].SZ) { if(D[di][p]==guess) {revealed=1;break;} } if(!revealed) lose[di]++; REP(i, N) { if(ng[i]) continue; REP(p, D[i].SZ) { if(D[di][p]==guess && D[i][p]!=guess || D[di][p]!=guess && D[i][p]==guess) {ng[i]=1;nng++;break;} } } if(nng==N-1) break; } } } int max = -1; int maxi = -1; REP(i, N) { //cout<<lose[i]<<endl; if(max<lose[i]) {max=lose[i];maxi=i;} } cout<<" "<<D[maxi]; } cout<<endl; } return 0; }
int main() { int T; cin>>T; //cout<<T<<endl; REP(t, T) { int ans = 0; VVI d; d.PB(VI()); d.PB(VI()); int N; cin>>N; REP(i, N) { char col; int loc; cin>>col>>loc; //cout<<col<<loc<<endl; int ci = col=='O'?0:1; d[ci].PB(i); d[ci].PB(loc); } //cout<<d<<endl; int pi = 0; int ci[2]; int cur[2]; ci[0]=ci[1]=0; cur[0]=cur[1]=1; REP(step, 100*100) { int pushed = 0; int end = 1; REP(col, 2) { if(ci[col]>=d[col].size()/2) continue; end = 0; int p = d[col][ci[col]*2+0]; int loc = d[col][ci[col]*2+1]; if(cur[col]==loc) { if(pi==p) { //cout<<col<<" push "<<cur[col]<<endl; pushed=1; ci[col]++; } else { //cout<<col<<" stay"<<endl; } } else { int dir = loc - cur[col] > 0 ? 1 : -1; cur[col]+=dir; //cout<<col<<" move to "<<cur[col]<<endl; } } if(pushed) pi++; if(end) break; ans++; } cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<": "<<ans<<endl;; } return 0; }
int main() { int T; cin>>T; //cout<<T<<endl; REP(t, T) { vector<string> com; vector<string> del; string v; int nc, nd, nv; cin>>nc; REP(i, nc) { string tmp; cin>>tmp; com.PB(tmp); } cin>>nd; REP(i, nd) { string tmp; cin>>tmp; del.PB(tmp); } cin>>nv; cin>>v; //cout<<com<<del<<v<<endl; vector<char> w; REP(i, nv) { w.PB(v[i]); if(w.SZ>=2) REP(j, nc) { if(w[w.SZ-2]==com[j][0] && w[w.SZ-1]==com[j][1]) { w.pop_back(); w.pop_back(); w.PB(com[j][2]); } if(w[w.SZ-2]==com[j][1] && w[w.SZ-1]==com[j][0]) { w.pop_back(); w.pop_back(); w.PB(com[j][2]); } } if(w.SZ>=2) REP(j, nd) { if(w[w.SZ-1]==del[j][0]) REP(k, w.SZ-1) { if(w[k]==del[j][1]) { w.clear(); } } if(w[w.SZ-1]==del[j][1]) REP(k, w.SZ-1) { if(w[k]==del[j][0]) { w.clear(); } } } } cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<": "<<w<<endl;; } return 0; }
int main() { int T; cin>>T; //cout<<T<<endl; REP(t, T) { int n; cin>>n; VI c(n); int x=0; int sum=0; REP(i, n) { cin>>c[i]; x ^= c[i]; sum+=c[i]; } SORT(c); sum -= c[0]; //cout<<c<<endl; if(x==0) { cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<": "<<sum<<endl; } else { cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<": NO"<<endl; } } return 0; }
int main() { int T; cin>>T; //cout<<T<<endl; REP(t, T) { int n; int ans=0; cin>>n; VI d(n); REP(i, n) { cin>>d[i]; } cout<<d<<endl; int ans2=0; REP(i, n) { if(i+1!=d[i]) ans2++; } REP(i, n) { if(i+1!=d[i]) { int ti=-1; FOR(j, i+1, n) { if(d[j]==i+1) { ti=j; break; } } swap(d[i], d[ti]); ans+=2; //cout<<d<<endl; } } //cout<<d<<endl; cout<<"Case #"<<t+1<<": "<<ans<<".000000 "<<ans2<<endl; } return 0; }
こちらは最小票カウンタの初期値を 100 から 1000 に変えた版です(w
class MafiaGame { public: double probabilityToLose(int N, vector <int> de) { printf("%s %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); VI vul(N); VI vot(N); REP(i, N) vul[i]=1; vector<double> pro(N); REP(i, N) pro[i] = 1.0; int prev_n_vul = -1; int wdc = 0; do { cout<<"VUL "<<vul<<endl; int other = N-de.SZ; REP(i, N) vot[i]=0; REP(i, de.SZ) if(vul[de[i]]) { vot[de[i]]++; } else { other++; } cout<<"VOT "<<vot<<endl; cout<<"other "<<other<<endl; while(other>0) { cout<<"VO2 "<<vot<<endl; int min_vot = 1000; int min_cnt = 0; REP(i, N) if(vul[i] && vot[i]<min_vot) { min_vot=vot[i]; } REP(i, N) if(vul[i] && vot[i]==min_vot) min_cnt++; if(min_cnt<=other) { REP(i, N) if(vul[i] && vot[i]==min_vot) { vot[i]++; other--; } } else { // choose other/min_cnt double p = (double)other/min_cnt; REP(i, N) { if(other==0) break; if(vul[i] && vot[i]==min_vot) { pro[i] *= p; vot[i]++; other--; } } cout<<"PRO "<<pro<<endl; } } int n_vul = 0; int max_vot = 0; REP(i, N) if(vul[i] && max_vot < vot[i]) max_vot = vot[i]; REP(i, N) if(vul[i] && vot[i]==max_vot) n_vul++; cout<<"n_vul "<<n_vul<<endl; if(n_vul==prev_n_vul) return 0.0; prev_n_vul = n_vul; REP(i, N) vul[i] = vot[i]==max_vot ? 1 : 0; if(n_vul==1) break; if(wdc++>10) return -1.0; } while(1); double ans = 0.0; REP(i, N) if(vul[i] && ans<pro[i]) ans = pro[i]; return ans; }