cafelier のSRM参加記録です。コンテスト中に考えてたことを執拗に全部書き残すとどうなるだろうかという試み本番中にこういうコードが書きたかったなあ、という後で書いた反省コードを書き残す試み
あとで | |
class RoadsOfKingdom { public: vector< vector<double> > P; double getProbability(vector <string> roads) { P = read_input(roads); memo = vector<double>(1<<P.size(), -1); memo0 = vector<double>(P.size()<<P.size(), -1); memo1 = vector<double>(P.size()<<P.size(), -1); return prob_tree( (1<<P.size())-1 ); } vector< vector<double> > read_input(const vector<string>& R) { int N = R.size(); vector< vector<double> > P(N, vector<double>(N)); for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) for(int j=0; j<N; ++j) P[i][j] = (R[i][j] - '0') / 8.0; return P; } vector<double> memo; double prob_tree(int S) { if( memo[S] >= 0 ) return memo[S]; // the first and the second smallest IDs in S int v, w; for(v=0; (1<<v)<=S; ++v) if( S & 1<<v ) break; for(w=v+1; (1<<w)<=S; ++w) if( S & 1<<w ) break; // if |S| < 2 then it always forms a tree if( (1<<w) > S ) return memo[S] = 1.0; // Let's consider v as the "root node" of S, and try all possible "subtrees" T containing w. // The situation is (other nodes)=v-(T where w in T) double p = 0.0; for(int T=S; T; T=(T-1)&S) if( (T & 1<<w) && !(T & 1<<v) ) p += prob_tree(T) * prob_tree(S&~T) * prob_separated(T, S&~T&~(1<<v)) * prob_one(v, T); return memo[S] = p; } double prob_separated(int S1, int S2) { double p = 1.0; for(int v=0; (1<<v)<=S1; ++v) if( S1 & 1<<v ) p *= prob_zero(v, S2); return p; } vector<double> memo0; double prob_zero(int v, int S) // 0 connection between v and S { const int key = v<<P.size() | S; if( memo0[key] >= 0 ) return memo0[key]; double p = 1.0; for(int u=0; (1<<u)<=S; ++u) if( S & 1<<u ) p *= 1.0 - P[v][u]; return memo0[key] = p; } vector<double> memo1; double prob_one(int v, int S) // exactly 1 connection between v and S { const int key = v<<P.size() | S; if( memo1[key] >= 0 ) return memo1[key]; double p = 0.0; for(int c=0; (1<<c)<=S; ++c) if( S & 1<<c ) { double q = 1.0; for(int u=0; (1<<u)<=S; ++u) if( S & 1<<u ) q *= u==c ? P[v][u] : 1-P[v][u]; p += q; } return memo1[key] = p; } };
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