cafelier のSRM参加記録です。コンテスト中に考えてたことを執拗に全部書き残すとどうなるだろうかという試み本番中にこういうコードが書きたかったなあ、という後で書いた反省コードを書き残す試み
SRM | |
class PalindromizationDiv1 { public: int getMinimumCost(string word, vector <string> operations) { for(int i=0; i<word.size(); ++i) word[i] -= 'a'; vector<int> add(26, -1); vector<int> del(26, -1); vector< vector<int> > rep(26, vector<int>(26, -1)); map<pair<char,char>,int> change; for(int i=0; i<operations.size(); ++i) { string cmd; char letter, to; int cost; stringstream cin(operations[i]); cin >> cmd; if( cmd == "add" ) { cin >> letter >> cost; add[letter-'a'] = cost; } if( cmd == "erase" ) { cin >> letter >> cost; del[letter-'a'] = cost; } if( cmd == "change" ) { cin >> letter >> to >> cost; rep[letter-'a'][to-'a'] = cost; } } for(int k=0; k<26; ++k) for(int i=0; i<26; ++i) for(int j=0; j<26; ++j) if( rep[i][k]!=-1 && rep[k][j]!=-1 ) if( rep[i][j]==-1 || rep[i][j]>rep[i][k]+rep[k][j] ) rep[i][j] = rep[i][k]+rep[k][j]; for(int i=0; i<26; ++i) for(int j=0; j<26; ++j) if( add[i]!=-1 && rep[i][j]!=-1 ) if( add[j]==-1 || add[j]>add[i]+rep[i][j] ) add[j] = add[i]+rep[i][j]; for(int i=0; i<26; ++i) for(int j=0; j<26; ++j) if( rep[i][j]!=-1 && del[j]!=-1 ) if( del[i]==-1 || del[i]>rep[i][j]+del[j] ) del[i] = rep[i][j]+del[j]; map<int, int> memo; int r = rec(memo, word, add, del, rep, 0, word.size()-1); return (r>=0x3fffffff ? -1 : r); } int rec(map<int,int>& memo, const string& word, const vector<int>& add, const vector<int>& del, const vector< vector<int> >& rep, int s, int e) { #define REC(ss,ee) rec(memo,word,add,del,rep,(ss),(ee)) if( s >= e ) return 0; int key = s*100+e; if( memo.count(key) ) return memo[key]; int result = 0x3fffffff; if( word[s] == word[e] ) result = min(result, REC(s+1,e-1)); if( del[word[s]]>=0 ) result = min(result, REC(s+1,e)+del[word[s]]); if( del[word[e]]>=0 ) result = min(result, REC(s,e-1)+del[word[e]]); if( add[word[s]]>=0 ) result = min(result, REC(s+1,e)+add[word[s]]); if( add[word[e]]>=0 ) result = min(result, REC(s,e-1)+add[word[e]]); if( rep[word[s]][word[e]]>=0 ) result = min(result, REC(s+1,e-1)+rep[word[s]][word[e]]); if( rep[word[e]][word[s]]>=0 ) result = min(result, REC(s+1,e-1)+rep[word[e]][word[s]]); for(int c=0; c<26; ++c) { if( rep[word[s]][c]>=0 && add[c]>=0 ) result = min(result, REC(s+1,e)+rep[word[s]][c]+add[c]); if( rep[word[e]][c]>=0 && add[c]>=0 ) result = min(result, REC(s,e-1)+rep[word[e]][c]+add[c]); if( rep[word[s]][c]>=0 && rep[word[e]][c]>=0 ) // 追加 result = min(result, REC(s+1,e-1)+rep[word[s]][c]+rep[word[e]][c]); // 追加 } return memo[key] = result; } };
class PalindromizationDiv1 { public: static const int INF = 0x3fffffff; static const int NOLETTER = 26; static const int N = 27; int getMinimumCost(string word, vector <string> operations) { // Cost for changing a character to another int cost[N][N]; for(int a=0; a<N; ++a) for(int b=0; b<N; ++b) cost[a][b] = (a==b ? 0 : INF); for(size_t i=0; i<operations.size(); ++i) { stringstream cin(operations[i]); string cmd; cin >> cmd; char a, b; int c; if( cmd == "add" ) { cin >> a >> c; cost[NOLETTER][ a - 'a'] = c; } if( cmd == "erase" ) { cin >> a >> c; cost[ a - 'a'][NOLETTER] = c; } if( cmd == "change" ){ cin >> a >> b >> c; cost[ a - 'a'][ b - 'a'] = c; } } // Warshall-Floyd for(int k=0; k<N; ++k) for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) for(int j=0; j<N; ++j) cost[i][j] = min(cost[i][j], cost[i][k]+cost[k][j]); // Cost for matching two letters int match_cost[N][N]; for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) for(int j=0; j<N; ++j) { match_cost[i][j] = INF; for(int k=0; k<N; ++k) match_cost[i][j] = min(match_cost[i][j], cost[i][k]+cost[j][k]); } // Solve memo.clear(); int r = rec(match_cost, word, 0, word.size()-1); return (r>=INF ? -1 : r); } map<pair<int,int>,int> memo; int rec(const int match_cost[N][N], const string& w, int s, int e) { // Base case if( s >= e ) return 0; // Memoizaion const pair<int,int> key(s, e); if( memo.count(key) ) return memo[key]; // take best int result = INF; result = min(result, rec(match_cost, w, s+1, e-1)+match_cost[w[s]-'a'][w[e]-'a']); result = min(result, rec(match_cost, w, s, e-1)+match_cost[NOLETTER][w[e]-'a']); result = min(result, rec(match_cost, w, s+1, e )+match_cost[w[s]-'a'][NOLETTER]); return memo[key] = result; } };
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