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Easy(300): BinaryCode
- 前にやった記憶あり
- こういうのすぐにコーディングすると空中分解するタイプ
- とりあえず解けるんだけどchar[]で解いてるしここはSTL使ってなんとかしたい。で
- を今頃知った。
- 入力長が1,2の場合が例外的なので気をつけて
- pの両側に門番(0)をつけた方が条件分岐なくて良いので楽。最後のpに非0が来たら"NONE"
#define sz(a) int((a).size()) #define pb push_back #define FOR(var,from,to) for(int var=(from);var<=(to);var++) #define rep(var,n) for(int var=0;var<(n);var++) #define all(c) (c).begin(),(c).end() class BinaryCode { public: string guess(string m,int p0){ int n=sz(m); vector<char> q(all(m)), p(n+2); rep(i,n) q[i]-='0'; p[0]=0, p[1]=p0;//, p[n+1]=0; FOR(i,1,n+1) p[i+1]=q[i-1]-p[i]-p[i-1]; if (p[n+1]!=0) return "NONE"; FOR(i,1,n) { if(p[i]<0||1<p[i]) return "NONE"; else p[i]+='0'; } return string(p.begin()+1, p.end()-1); } vector <string> decode(string message) { vs ans; ans.pb( guess(message,0) ); ans.pb( guess(message,1) ); return ans; } };
Medium(550): Lottery
- 前にも見たかも
- 文字列パース。というかsplit
- sortedはDP
- わりとすんなり書けた(と言っても25'16'')
- system test一発OK
typedef long long ll; typedef vector<string> vs; #define sz(a) int((a).size()) #define pb push_back #define all(c) (c).begin(),(c).end() #define tr(c,i) for(typeof((c).begin()) i=(c).begin(); i!=(c).end(); i++) #define rep(var,n) for(int var=0;var<(n);var++) #define FOR(var,from,to) for(int var=(from);var<=(to);var++) #define found(s,e) ((s).find(e)!=(s).end()) typedef pair<int,int> i_i; // 自作split vector<string> split(string str, string delim) { // 略 } vector<string> split(string str, int delim=' ') { // 略 } bool atob(string s){ return s[0]=='T'; } ll pow(int x,int y){ // x^y ll ans=1LL; rep(i,y) ans *= (ll)x; return ans; } ll fac(int x,int y){ // x!/(x-y)! ll ans=1LL; rep(i,y) ans *= (ll)(x--); return ans; } class Lottery { map<i_i,ll> m1, m2; ll sub_sorted_unique(int choices,int blanks){ // 1 2 3 ... if (blanks==0) return 1; i_i key=cons(choices,blanks); if(found(m1,key)) return m1[key]; ll sum=0LL; rep(i,choices){ sum += sub_sorted_unique(choices-i-1,blanks-1); } m1[key]=sum; return sum; } ll sub_sorted(int choices,int blanks){ // 1 1 2 ... if (blanks==0) return 1; i_i key=cons(choices,blanks); if(found(m2,key)) return m2[key]; ll sum=0LL; rep(i,choices){ sum += sub_sorted(choices-i,blanks-1); } m2[key]=sum; return sum; } ll num(string name, int choices, int blanks, bool sorted, bool unique) { // number of valid lottery tickets for that game... // choices: 10-100 ... [1..choices] // blanks: 1-8 ll cnt = 0LL; if (sorted) { if (unique) { // 1 2 3 4 5 cnt = sub_sorted_unique(choices,blanks); } else { // 1 1 2 3 3 cnt = sub_sorted(choices,blanks); } } else { if (unique) { // 3 2 1 5 4 cnt = fac(choices,blanks); } else { // 3 3 1 2 1 cnt = pow(choices,blanks); // 1e2 ^ 8 = 1e16 } } /* printf("name:%s choices:%d blanks:%d sorted:%s unique:%s => %lld\n", name.c_str(), choices, blanks, sorted?"YES":"NO", unique?"YES":"NO", cnt); */ return cnt; } public: vector <string> sortByOdds(vector<string> rules) { m1.clear(); m2.clear(); vector<pair<ll,string> > res; tr(rules,st){ vs a1 = split(*st,": "); string name = a1[0]; vs a2 = split(a1[1],' '); int choices = atoi(a2[0].c_str()), blanks = atoi(a2[1].c_str()); bool sorted = atob(a2[2]), unique = atob(a2[3]); res.pb(cons(num(name,choices,blanks,sorted,unique),name)); } sort(all(res));// reverse(all(res)); vs ans; tr(res,it) ans.pb(it->second); return ans; } };
Hard(1100): PenLift
- プロッタ懐かしい
- とか言ってる場合じゃなくて
- とりあえずグラフに変換
- 同じ向きの繋がった(or 重なった)線分を検出し、union-findしといて後でまとめる
- 線分を交差点で区切り、nodeとarcを抽出
- union-findして島分割
- n回重ね書きするのでarcの本数を各n倍にする
- それぞれの島が何筆書きになるか、で行ける
- (ここまでで3時間半。sample case#5がちゃんと解けてない!intersection判定にバグあり?)
- 結局4時間半かかって解けた
- system test一発OK
- 以下駄コード
- cons,car,cdr,caar,cadr,cdar,cddrとかまあ気にしないで
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <cctype> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <deque> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <list> #include <map> #include <set> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<vector<int> > vvi; typedef vector<string> vs; #define sz(a) int((a).size()) #define pb push_back #define all(c) (c).begin(),(c).end() #define tr(c,i) for(typeof((c).begin()) i=(c).begin(); i!=(c).end(); i++) #define rep(var,n) for(int var=0;var<(n);var++) #define FOR(var,from,to) for(int var=(from);var<=(to);var++) #define found(s,e) ((s).find(e)!=(s).end()) typedef pair<int,int> i_i; typedef pair<ll,ll> ll_ll; typedef pair<double,double> d_d; typedef pair<int,pair<int,int> > i_ii; #define cons(x,y) make_pair((x),(y)) #define car(x) ((x).first) #define cdr(x) ((x).second) #define caar(x) (x).first.first #define cdar(x) (x).first.second #define cadr(x) (x).second.first #define cddr(x) (x).second.second vector<string> split(string str, int delim=' ') { vector<string> result; const char *s = str.c_str(); if (delim == ' ') { for (const char *p=s; *p; p++) { if (*p == delim) s++; else break; } if (!*s) return result; for (const char *p=s; *p; p++) { if (*p == delim) { if (s < p) { string a(s,p-s); result.push_back(a); } s = p + 1; } } if (*s) result.push_back(s); } else { for (const char *p=s; *p; p++) { if (*p == delim) { string a(s,p-s); result.push_back(a); s = p + 1; if (*s == '¥0') result.push_back(""); } } if (*s) result.push_back(s); } return result; } vector<int> map_atoi(vector<string> nums) { vector<int> vals(nums.size()); for (int i=nums.size()-1; i>=0; i--) vals[i] = atoi(nums[i].c_str()); return vals; } typedef pair<int,int> point; typedef pair<point,point> segment; vector<segment> segments; vector<bool> deleted; vector<int> dirs; int dir(const segment& s){ point p1 = car(s), p2 = cdr(s); if (p1==p2) return -1; if (car(p1)==car(p2)) // x1=x2 return (p2.second > p1.second)?1:3; else return (p2.first > p1.first)?0:2; } segment rev(const segment& s){ return cons(cdr(s),car(s)); } segment joint(int i, int j){ segment s1 = segments[i], s2 = segments[j]; int dir = dirs[i]; // assume dirs[i]=dirs[j] if (dir==0) { // horizontal int y = cdar(s1); int x0 = min( caar(s1),caar(s2) ), x1 = max( cadr(s1),cadr(s2) ); return cons(cons(x0,y),cons(x1,y)); } else { int x = caar(s1); int y0 = min( cdar(s1),cdar(s2) ), y1 = max( cddr(s1),cddr(s2) ); return cons(cons(x,y0),cons(x,y1)); } } point cross(int i, int j){ segment s1 = segments[i], s2 = segments[j]; int d1 = dirs[i], d2 = dirs[j]; if (d1==1 && d2==0) return cross(j,i); int y=cdar(s1); if (cdar(s2) <= y && y <= cddr(s2)) { FOR(x,caar(s1),cadr(s1)) { // x,y if(x==caar(s2)) return cons(x,y); } } return cons(INT_MAX,INT_MAX); } bool oddp(int n){ return (n & 1)? true : false; } class UnionFind { vector<int> data; public: UnionFind(int size) : data(size, -1) { } bool unionSet(int x, int y) { x = root(x); y = root(y); if (x != y) { if (data[y] < data[x]) swap(x, y); data[x] += data[y]; data[y] = x; } return x != y; } bool findSet(int x, int y) { return root(x) == root(y); } int root(int x) { return data[x] < 0 ? x : data[x] = root(data[x]); } int size(int x) { return -data[root(x)]; } }; class PenLift { public: int numTimes(vector<string> segs, int n) { int N = sz(segs); segments.resize(N); deleted.resize(N); dirs.resize(N); rep(i,N){ // segment_id vector<int> t = map_atoi(split(segs[i])); segment s = cons(cons(t[0],t[1]), cons(t[2],t[3])); if (dir(s) >= 2) s = rev(s); segments[i] = s; deleted[i] = false; dirs[i] = dir(s); } // joint UnionFind uf0(N); set<int> jointed; FOR(i,0,N-2){ FOR(j,i+1,N-1){ if (dirs[i]==dirs[j]) { if (dirs[i]==0) { // h int yi = cdar(segments[i]), yj = cdar(segments[j]); if (yi != yj) continue; int x0 = caar(segments[i]), x1 = cadr(segments[i]), x2 = caar(segments[j]), x3 = cadr(segments[j]); if (x0>x2) { swap(x0,x2); swap(x1,x3); } // x0 <= x2 if (x2 <= x1) { uf0.unionSet(i,j); jointed.insert(i); jointed.insert(j); } } else { // v int xi = caar(segments[i]), xj = caar(segments[j]); if (xi != xj) continue; int y0 = cdar(segments[i]), y1 = cddr(segments[i]), y2 = cdar(segments[j]), y3 = cddr(segments[j]); if (y0>y2) { swap(y0,y2); swap(y1,y3); } // y0 <= y2 if (y2 <= y1) { uf0.unionSet(i,j); jointed.insert(i); jointed.insert(j); } } } } } map<int,set<int> > joint_isle; tr(jointed,it){ int root = uf0.root(*it); if (!found(joint_isle,root)) { set<int> s; joint_isle[root] = s; } //if (*it != root) joint_isle[root].insert(*it); } tr(joint_isle,it) { int root=it->first; if (dirs[root] == 0) { // horizontal int y = cdar(segments[root]); int xmin = INT_MAX, xmax = INT_MIN; tr(it->second,jt) { segment s = segments[*jt]; int x0 = caar(s), x1 = cadr(s); if (x0 > x1) swap(x0,x1); xmin = min(xmin,x0); xmax = max(xmax,x1); deleted[*jt] = true; } segments[root] = cons(cons(xmin,y),cons(xmax,y)); deleted[root] = false; } else { // vertical int x = caar(segments[root]); int ymin = INT_MAX, ymax = INT_MIN; tr(it->second,jt) { segment s = segments[*jt]; int y0 = cdar(s), y1 = cddr(s); if (y0 > y1) swap(y0,y1); ymin = min(ymin,y0); ymax = max(ymax,y1); deleted[*jt] = true; } segments[root] = cons(cons(x,ymin),cons(x,ymax)); deleted[root] = false; } } // cross vector<set<point> > seps(N,set<point>()); FOR(i,0,N-2){ if (deleted[i]) continue; FOR(j,i+1,N-1){ if (deleted[j]) continue; if (dirs[i]!=dirs[j]) { point nx = cross(i,j); if (car(nx)==INT_MAX) continue; seps[i].insert(nx); seps[j].insert(nx); } } } rep(segment_id,N) { int sepsz = sz(seps[segment_id]); if (sepsz > 0) { deleted[segment_id] = true; if (dirs[segment_id]==0) { // horizontal int y = cdar(segments[segment_id]); set<int> xs; xs.insert(caar(segments[segment_id])); xs.insert(cadr(segments[segment_id])); tr(seps[segment_id],it) xs.insert(it->first); vector<int> xsv(all(xs)); sort(all(xsv)); rep(k,sz(xsv)-1) { segment sk = cons(cons(xsv[k],y),cons(xsv[k+1],y)); segments.pb(sk); deleted.pb(false); } } else { // vertical int x = caar(segments[segment_id]); set<int> ys; ys.insert(cdar(segments[segment_id])); ys.insert(cddr(segments[segment_id])); tr(seps[segment_id],it) ys.insert(it->second); vector<int> ysv(all(ys)); sort(all(ysv)); rep(k,sz(ysv)-1) { segment sk = cons(cons(x,ysv[k]),cons(x,ysv[k+1])); segments.pb(sk); deleted.pb(false); } } } } // 両端登録 map<point,set<int> > nodes; // points[point] = { segment_ids } rep(segment_id,sz(segments)){ if (deleted[segment_id]) continue; vector<point> n(2); n[0]=car(segments[segment_id]); n[1]=cdr(segments[segment_id]); rep(node_id,2) { if(found(nodes,n[node_id])) { nodes[n[node_id]].insert(segment_id); } else { set<int> s; s.insert(segment_id); nodes[n[node_id]] = s; } } } UnionFind uf(sz(segments)); tr(nodes,nt){ set<int> arcs = nt->second; vector<int> av(all(arcs)); FOR(i,1,sz(av)-1) uf.unionSet(av[0],av[i]); } map<int,int> isles; rep(i,sz(segments)) { if (deleted[i]) continue; int root = uf.root(i); if (!found(isles,root)) isles[root] = 0; } // again tr(nodes,nt){ point node = nt->first; set<int> arcs = nt->second; vector<int> av(all(arcs)); int root = uf.root(av[0]); if (oddp(sz(arcs)*n)) isles[root]++; } tr(isles,it) { it->second /= 2; } int ans = sz(isles)-1; tr(isles,it) { if (it->second == 0) continue; ans += it->second - 1; } return ans; } };
トラックバック - https://topcoder-g-hatena-ne-jp.jag-icpc.org/n4_t/20091224